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Chicago School GPS
From preschool through college, public or private, Chicago School GPS will guide you to your school destination.

The GoCPS deadline for families applying to Kindergarten through 9th grade for the 2025–26 school year has been extended until Friday, November 22, 2024 at 5 p.m.
#GoCPS #ChicagoPublicSchools #CPS #elementary #highschool #schoolsearch #selective #enrollment
Visit the GoCPS website https://zurl.co/LlQp to complete your application!
CPS preschool (3 y.o. and 4 y.o.) program applications will open in April 2025 for the 2025-2026 school year.

Good luck to current CPS & Charter 8th grade students as they take the HSAT! Non-CPS 8th graders should sign up for testing via the GoCPS portal. Note: the HSAT tests on 10/26 & 10/27 are only given at Lindblom. Sign up by 10/11 to secure a spot. https://www.apply.cps.edu/
#8thGrade #HSAT #GoCPS #schoolsearch #selectiveenrollment #ChicagoPublicSchool

Supercharge your #preschool and #elementary #school #search by attending @NPNParents Annual #SchoolFair this Sunday, 10/6/24 from 9am-12pm @PeggyNotebaertNatureMuseum. Hear about @ChicagoPublicSchools elementary programs in a 30 Min Session with @ChiSchoolGPS. Free entry with code GUEST
#ElementarySchool #NeighborhoodParentsNetwork #NPN #ChicagoPublicSchools #ElementaryPrograms #ChicagoSchoolGPS #PeggyNotebaertNatureMuseum #schoolfair #preschool